The Agricola Laureti Leonardo has vineyards of Trebbiano Spoletino exactly in the municipality of Spoleto.
We are not able to describe in few words what our vineyards mean for us. The perfect way to do that, would be having a guided tour of our vineyards and winery: You can see by yourself how the ground changes at any step, and how our grapevines grow.
All of our vineyards follow precise methods of working: they pay attention to the perfection of the grapes, they try to safeguard the environment, and biodiversity. All of this is possible thanks to the use of the methods we talked about before: methods based on biological and integrated production.
Not only wine is produced in our company. We have, as a matter of fact, a fantastic and precious extra virgin and biological Olive Oil of Moraiolo and Frantoio.
We have plenty of experience and renovation, because, of course, as we always say all the great wines are born from vineyards.
Via G. Marconi, 474 – 06049 Spoleto
Cell. 349 3689791