(English) The Naked Vine_ Wine Advice for the Rest of Us.T_ Two Up from Umbria — Trebbiano Spoletino & Sagrantino Passito
The Naked Vine_ Wine Advice for the Rest of Us.T_ Two Up from Umbria — Trebbiano Spoletino & Sagrantino Passito
The Naked Vine_ Wine Advice for the Rest of Us.T_ Two Up from Umbria — Trebbiano Spoletino & Sagrantino Passito
Feb. 1-15. Montefalco
Di Filippo – Italy By The (Wine) Glass_ Sagrantino From Umbria
2018 Jan-March Report Italian Version
18-03-12 Gambero Rosso
18-04-11 Rassegna stampa 18-04-11 Rassegna stampa
18-04-05 Rassegna stampa
18-03-12 Cronache di gusto
18-03-10 Wining
18-03-08 Anteprima Sagrantino 2014 Rassegna stampa